Idaho Smoke Map

Idaho Smoke Map Legend

**(Preliminary Data Warning: Data found on the map shown below is preliminary and is subject to change. Data is in local standard time format - no adjustment for daylight savings time.)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

EPA Lifts the Fort Hall Reservation Air Quality Advisory

As of July 31, air quality on the Fort Hall Reservation has improved and in coordination with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lifted its air quality advisory for the reservation effective immediately.   

Restrictions on open burning due to fire danger by Reservation officials or any federal agencies remain in place. Before burning always check with your local fire department or appropriate tribal agency.      

To check conditions in your area, visit the EPA AirNow website.  For a list of current burn bans on tribal lands, call the EPA Federal Air Rules for Reservations Hotline at 1-800-424-4372, or visit  the FARR website.  For smoke and fire information in Idaho visit Idaho Smoke Information

Light smoke and haze may linger

Today’s air quality is forecast to be in the Good to Moderate range, though areas near local fires could experience brief periods of Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.

Currently, patchy smoke and haze are seen across portions of the Snake River Plains and the Central Mountains. Light smoke and haze are visible in North Idaho. The winds from the past few days have allowed for clearing to occur for most of the state. As winds become more southerly, smoke will begin to move back into the region from northern California fires tomorrow morning, mainly in eastern Oregon and along the southern Idaho border. Light smoke and haze will linger across South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains with areas of smoke near local fires. As temperatures decrease overnight, lingering smoke can become trapped under surface temperature inversions and raise local AQI levels until the inversions break in late morning, offering limited clearing.

HRRR-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 6am MDT July 31, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains.

Air Quality Advisory Lifted for the Nez Perce Reservation


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Some clearing today

Today’s air quality is forecast to be Good to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.

Currently, patchy smoke and haze are seen across South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains. Light smoke and haze are visible in North Idaho.  The westerly afternoon winds and potential thunderstorms will continue to help disperse near surface smoke and haze. The wind will further nudge the smoke and haze eastward and into Montana, Wyoming, and Utah. Light smoke and haze will linger across South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains with areas of smoke near local fires tomorrow afternoon. As temperatures decrease overnight, lingering smoke can become trapped under surface temperature inversions and raise local AQI levels until inversions break in the late morning, offering limited clearing.  The highest AQI levels will be seen around the regional and local fires.

HRRR-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 6am MDT July 30, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains. Localized smoke is seen blowing east from regional fires.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Air Quality Advisory Remains in Effect for the Nez Perce Reservation


Light smoke and haze all over - several counties with Air Quality Advisory in effect

Today’s air quality is forecast to be in the Moderate to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range for most of the state. The Treasure Valley and Clearwater Basin could see brief periods of Unhealthy.

Smoke from California, western Montana, Central Washington, Oregon, and local fires are impacting Idaho. Patchy smoke and haze are seen across South Idaho, East Idaho and the Central Mountains, while light smoke and haze are seen in North Idaho. The westerly afternoon winds and potential thunderstorms will help disperse near surface smoke and haze. The wind will continue to nudge the smoke and haze eastward and into Montana, Wyoming, and Utah while light smoke and haze will linger across South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains with areas of smoke near local fires tomorrow afternoon. The pattern of smoke becoming trapped under inversions during the evenings and raising the AQI before limited clearing the next mornings will continue.

Check the Idaho Open Burn Map to see if your location has an Air Quality Advisory in effect. 

HRRR-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 6am MDT July 29, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains with light smoke and haze over North Idaho.

Friday, July 26, 2024

EPA Issues Air Quality Advisory on Fort Hall Reservation      

(Seattle—Friday, July 26, 2024) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10, in coordination with the Shoshone Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation, has issued an air quality advisory on the Fort Hall Reservation due to the elevated pollution levels caused by regional fires. Weather forecasts indicate poor air quality will continue at least through the weekend into Monday. This advisory is in effect until further notice.

Large fires in Oregon and California will be contributing smoke to Fort Hall.


To keep levels of smoke as low as possible indoors, create a clean room. A clean room may be most helpful for people who are at greater risk from the effects of smoke such as people with heart disease or lung disease, older adults, children, and pregnant people. 


These sensitive groups should avoid outdoor exercise and minimize exposure to outdoor pollution as much as possible. As pollution levels increase, the EPA recommends that residents restrict activity and use N95 masks. 


To check current conditions, go to  For current burn ban or advisories on tribal lands, please call the EPA FARR Hotline at 1-800-424-4372, or visit For burning restrictions in areas outside reservation boundaries, please contact your local clean air agency or fire department. For smoke and fire information in Idaho visit       


Air Quality Advisory in Effect for Much of Idaho

 Check the Open Burn Map to see if your area is affected! 

Next Update: July 29, 2024


Smoke, smoke everywhere!

Today’s air quality is forecast to be Good to Unhealthy. The highest AQI levels will be seen around the Treasure Valley and Clearwater Basin from the regional and local fires in those areas, with the possibility of periods of VERY UNHEALTHY for the Clearwater Basin. The pattern of smoke becoming trapped under inversions during the evenings and raising the AQI before limited clearing in the late mornings will exist through the weekend.

Smoke and haze are currently seen across South, East, and North Idaho, and the Central Mountains, with thick smoke in the Lewis Clark Valley. Patchy to thick smoke will continue to move into most of the state today with limited dispersion. Overnight, patchy smoke begins to drift into the Idaho Panhandle. As winds increase tomorrow afternoon and take a more southerly direction, limited clearing will be seen for South Idaho from the Magic Valley to the east. Smoke will then settle early Sunday morning in those areas that had limited clearing.

The HRRR-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 6am MDT July 26, 2024 shows smoke and haze across the state. Most of the smoke is coming from fires in East Oregon, western Montana, Central Washington, and northern California while local fires in Idaho are adding to the total smoke seen. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Brief clearing last night but smoke to return today

Air quality today is forecast to be in the Good to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range. The Treasure Valley, Clearwater Basn, and the Idaho Panhandle could see brief periods of Unhealthy.

Last night, winds and showers from regional thunderstorms dispersed the thick smoke and haze across the Treasure Valley and the Central Mountains, but light smoke and haze has started to return this morning and continues to impact most of the state with light to patchy smoke and haze for North Idaho.

Afternoon winds will aid in limited dispersion of near surface smoke today for most areas of the state but will also bring smoke from the East Oregon fires into the Central Mountains and Treasure Valley and smoke from the Central Washington fires into the Idaho Panhandle. Light smoke from the northern California fires is flowing into the Owyhee Mountains.

The RAP-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 8am MDT July 25, 2024 shows light to patchy smoke and haze over portions of the Treasure Valley, the Central Mountains, and North Idaho. Light smoke and haze are seen over the rest of Idaho. Inversions breaking and afternoon winds will aid in the mixing out of some near surface smoke and haze across the state. As winds continue to increase, areas of patchy smoke will move into the Treasure Valley, the Central Mountains, and the Idaho Panhandle this evening raising AQI levels.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Southwest Idaho Air Quality Advisory Extended

Brief clearing expected before more smoke rolls in tomorrow

Today’s air quality is forecast to be in the Good to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range. 

The smoke and haze across the Treasure Valley and the Central Mountains are slowly flowing northeast ahead of the cold front. Limited dispersion of near surface smoke is expected this afternoon. A brief clearing of smoke and haze is expected for most of the state that will continue into tomorrow morning before more smoke from the East Oregon fires moves back into the Central Mountains and Treasure Valley. Light smoke and haze from the Washington fires will also drift back into North Idaho tomorrow. Similarly, light smoke and haze will begin to move into the Magic Valley and East Idaho later tomorrow from fires in northern California. The highest AQI levels will be seen around the Treasure Valley from the East Oregon fires with brief periods of UNHEALTHY.

The HRRR-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 6am MDT July 24, 2024 shows areas of smoke and haze over portions of the Treasure Valley, the Central Mountains, and North Idaho. Light smoke and haze are seen over the rest of Idaho.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Smoke impacting Treasure Valley

Today’s air quality is forecast to be Moderate to Unhealthy.

Smoke across the Treasure Valley and the Central Mountains is slowly flowing east ahead of the cold front. Limited dispersion of near surface smoke is expected this afternoon. Patchy smoke and haze will move into East Idaho from Montana this evening and linger through tomorrow morning before dissipating in the afternoon. In general, lingering smoke and haze can become trapped under surface inversions overnight, potentially raising AQI levels until inversions break later the next morning. The highest AQI levels will be seen around the Treasure Valley from the East Oregon fires with brief periods of UNHEALTHY.

The RAP-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 8am MDT July 23, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze across portions of the Treasure Valley, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains extending into the St. Joe National Forest in North Idaho. The fires in Eastern Oregon are the major producer of the smoke over Idaho.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Air Quality Advisory for Southwest Idaho


Smoke and haze remains - largest impacts around Bench Lake Fire and Treasure Valley

Today’s air quality is forecast to be in the Good to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range.

Patchy smoke and haze is lingering across North Idaho and the Central Mountains with slow movement to the east. Limited dispersion of near surface smoke is expected this afternoon when inversions break. Later this afternoon, winds will shift from a westerly direction and push the patchy smoke from Washington and Oregon into the state where it will linger in the Central Mountains, Treasure Valley, and North Idaho. Overnight, lingering smoke and haze can become trapped under surface inversions potentially raising AQI levels until inversions break tomorrow morning. The highest AQI levels will be seen around the Bench Lake Fire and parts of the western Treasure Valley, due to smoke from the Durkee Fire in Oregon, with brief periods of UNHEALTHY FOR SENSITIVE GROUPS possible in other areas.

The RAP-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 7am MDT July 22, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over portions of the Central Mountains and North Idaho. Light smoke and haze are seen over the rest of Idaho. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Air Quality Advisory in Effect for Ada, Canyon, Gem, Owyhee, and Payette Counties


More smoke at night, less in the afternoon. Rinse and repeat

Today’s air quality is forecast to be in the Good to Moderate range.

Once again, patchy smoke and haze across South Idaho and the Central Mountains is mainly lingering over the area with a slow movement to the south and east. Limited dispersion of near surface smoke is expected this afternoon. Later this evening, the winds will shift from a more northerly to easterly direction and nudge the smoke and haze southward where it will linger in the Central Mountains, Treasure Valley, Magic Valley, and the Clearwater Basin. A cycle of near surface smoke increasing in the evening through the morning before clearing takes place in the afternoon will continue for the next several days. Smoke from Central Washington and southern British Columbia will bring smoke to North Idaho while fires in western Montana could add to the lingering smoke over the Central Mountains and the Clearwater Basin. The highest AQI levles are expected near the Bench Lake and Texas fires, near Stanely and Kendrick respectively with brief periods of Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups possible in other areas.

The RAP-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 8am MDT July 19, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over portions of the Central Mountains and South Idaho. Light smoke and haze are seen over the rest of Idaho. Inversions breaking and afternoon winds will aid in the mixing out of near surface smoke and haze across the state.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Smoke and haze abound but AQ mostly staying in the Good to Moderate range

Today’s air quality is forecast to be Good to Moderate across Idaho.

Patchy smoke and haze across South Idaho and the Central Mountains is slowly flowing north to west from the Central Mountains and the Treasure Valley into North Idaho and northeastern Oregon. Limited dispersion of near surface smoke is expected this afternoon. Later this evening, the winds will shift from a more northerly direction and nudge the smoke and haze southward where it will linger in the Central Mountains, Treasure Valley, Magic Valley, and the southern portions of North Idaho. The Bench Lake Fire south of Stanley is adding to this smoke and haze across portions of South Idaho. Highest AQI levels will be seen around the Texas Fire northeast of Kendrick and the Bench Lake Fire.

The RAP-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized 8am MDT July 18, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over portions of the Central Mountains and North Idaho. Light smoke and haze are seen over South Idaho. Patchy smoke and haze will continue to drift north and west from the Central Mountains and Treasure Valley into North Idaho and northeastern Oregon this afternoon.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 Air Quality Advisory has been lifted by DEQ for Nez Perce County

The Nez Perce Tribe Advisory was reported to have expired as of 10 am this morning also.

Plenty of wildfire activity all around the region. Smoke impacts can change quickly depending on fire activity and weather. Stay alert!


Local fires near Stanley and Kendrick adding to smoke impacts

Today’s air quality is forecast to be Good to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.

Local fires around the southern portion of North Idaho along with smoke from the Oregon fires have spiked the local AQI levels to UNHEATHLY FOR SENSITIVE GROUPS in parts of North Idaho. Patchy smoke and haze across South Idaho and the Central Mountains is slowly flowing north to west into the Central Mountains and towards the Treasure Valley. Limited dispersion of near surface smoke for South Idaho is expected this afternoon though the Bench Lake Fire south of Stanley is adding to this smoke and haze across portions of South Idaho. Overnight, the lingering smoke and haze can become trapped under surface inversions potentially raising AQI levels until inversions break later in the morning. North Idaho and the Treasure Valley can expect light haze tomorrow from Washington and Oregon fires. Highest AQI levels will be seen around the Texas Fire which is northeast of Kendrick and the Bench Lake Fire.

The RAP-NCEP Near Surface Smoke model initialized 8am MDT July 17th, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over portions of the Central Mountains, South and East Idaho. Light smoke and haze are seen over North Idaho. Patchy smoke and haze will continue to drift north and west into the Central Mountains and Treasure Valley this afternoon. Inversions breaking, afternoon winds, and a trough moving through will aid in the mixing out of near surface smoke and haze across South Idaho. As temperatures decrease at night, inversions will begin to trap lingering smoke and haze raising the AQI levels. The Bench Lake Fire outside of Stanley is adding to the smoke concentrations across the Magic Valley and Central Mountains while the Texas Fire outside of Kendrick which is raising AQI levels across portions of North Idaho is barely seen in this model run.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

 Issued by DEQ Lewiston Regional Office Earlier this Morning to notify residents of Nez Perce County of Unhealthy air quality expected today with Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups expected to last at least into Thursday.

Local and Regional Fires Bringing smoke to many parts of Idaho

Local fires around the southern portion of North Idaho along with smoke from the Oregon fires have spiked the local AQI levels to UNHEATHLY in parts of North Idaho. The patchy smoke and haze across South Idaho and the Central Mountains are slowly flowing south to east into the Southern and Southeast Highlands providing some limited clearing for the evening hours over parts of the Snake River Plains. The Bench Lake Fire south of Stanley is adding to this smoke and haze across portions of South Idaho. Smoke and haze from the Central Washington and Oregon fires will move into North Idaho and the Treasure Valley in the early morning bringing light haze across those areas tomorrow.

HRRR-NCEP Smoke Near Surface Smoke initialized 11Z (5am MDT) 16 July 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over portions of the Central Mountains, South and East Idaho. Light haze is seen over the northern portion of North Idaho.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Hazy skies in North and South Idaho

Fires in neighboring states continue to produce some smoke that is drifting into Idaho. This plus ozone production in the Treasure Valley makes for some very hazy looking skies. South Idaho can expect some clearing by the evening hours today while light smoke and haze from the Central Washington and Oregon fires will move into North Idaho and the Treasure Valley early tomorrow morning bringing more haze. 

HRRR-NCEP Smoke Near Surface Smoke initialized 11Z (6am MDT) 15 July 2024 shows light smoke and haze over most of the state. Patchy smoke and haze will continue to drift into East Idaho and eventually into Montana and Utah in the early morning. As temperatures decrease at night, inversions will begin to trap lingering smoke and haze raising the AQI levels. While more patchy smoke and haze from the Washington and Oregon fires will flow towards North Idaho and the Treasure Valley eventually bringing light haze across those areas tomorrow.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Smoke impacts picking up in southern Idaho

Fires continue to burn in our neighboring states, including a few new fires in eastern Oregon that are pushing smoke into Idaho. 

Through the weekend, the cycle of afternoon winds and inversion breaking will provide for limited clearing of patchy smoke and haze across most of the state, while more smoke and haze will continue to move into the Central Mountains and the Treasure Valley from the Oregon fires. This patchy smoke and haze will spread across South Idaho and linger overnight while potentially becoming trapped under surface inversions and raising AQI levels temporarily until inversions break later in the morning. For North Idaho, light haze from the Central Washington fires will flow towards the North Idaho border will linger through the weekend.

For the majority of the state, air quality continues to stay in the Good to Moderate range but air quality can change quickly with fires so nearby. Download the Air Idaho app to get the most up to date air quality information.

NOAA GOES-West GeoColor (true color) visible satellite image captured at 15:26 UTC (9:26 am MDT) on 12 July 2024 shows lingering smoke and haze over Idaho. Smoke and haze can be seen moving east from the fires in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. The thickest smoke is seen over western Oregon drifting into the Treasure Valley and the Central Mountains.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Patchy smoke and haze continues

Air quality remains in the Good to Moderate range, despite patchy smoke and haze across most of the state. Smoke continues to enter the state from our Oregon, Washington, and northern California.

There aren't many changes from yesterday's forecast - smoke and haze clearing a bit during the day and potentially getting trapped under surface inversions when overnight temperatures drop. 

HRRR-NCEP Smoke Near Surface Smoke initialized 12Z (6am MDT) 11 July 2024 shows light smoke and haze over most of the state. Patchy smoke and haze from Oregon fires will move into the Central Mountains and the Treasure Valley this evening and spread across South Idaho. While more patchy smoke and haze from the Washington fires will flow towards North Idaho eventually bringing haze across parts of North Idaho.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cold front up north bringing more smoke before clearing

Air quality will range from GOOD to UNHEALTHY FOR SENSITIVE GROUPS in the next 24 hours.

Smoke and haze from neighboring states continues to drift over Idaho. Afternoon winds and inversion breaking today will provide limited clearing of patchy smoke and haze as a dry cold front moves into the region. As the cold front moves through, it will bring more smoke and haze across North Idaho raising AQI levels potentially to the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range. Clearing will come behind this push in the afternoon.

Per usual, decreasing temperatures overnight will trap lingering smoke and haze under surface inversions - potentially elevating the AQI in the Central Mountains and South Idaho - and rising temperatures the tomorrow morning will break the inversion and near ground smoke and haze should lift. 

HRRR-NCEP Smoke Near Surface Smoke initialized 12Z (6am MDT) 10 July 2024 shows light smoke and haze over most of the state. The cold front moving through the region can be seen dragging thicker smoke eastward from the Washington fires. This thicker smoke will move through North Idaho overnight and into the Central Mountains and Montana by the afternoon.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Patchy smoke today

Air quality continues to be Good to Moderate across the state but smoke and haze is still drifting into Idaho. Patchy smoke will build further into the Treasure Valley this afternoon and slowly push into the Owyhees overnight. 

When surface temperatures drop overnight, lingering smoke and haze will become trapped and potentially elevate AQI levels in North Idaho, the Central Mountains, and the Treasure Valley. Increasing temperatures tomorrow morning will break the inversion and near ground smoke will begin to lift. 

NOAA GOES-West GeoColor (true color) visible satellite image captured at 15:06 UTC (9:06 am MDT) on 9 July 2024 shows lingering smoke and haze over North Idaho and the Snake River Plain. Smoke and haze can be seen moving east from the fires in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. The thickest smoke is seen over South Oregon, northern California, and Central Washington.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Bits of smoke and haze drifting in

Hi everyone! Smoke and haze is starting to trickle into the state from our neighbors though no major impacts have been recorded yet. Fires are burning in central Washington, northern California, and south-central Oregon. 

As surface temperatures drop overnight, smoke will become trapped under surface inversions and potentially elevate the Air Quality Index levels for North Idaho and the Central Mountains. Once the surface temperatures increase tomorrow morning, near ground level smoke and haze will begin to disperse as the inversion breaks. 

NOAA GOES-West GeoColor (true color) visible satellite image captured at 15:06 UTC (9:06 am MDT) on 8 July 2024 shows lingering smoke and haze over North Idaho and parts of the Central Mountains. Smoke and haze can be seen moving west from the fires in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. The thickest smoke is seen over South Oregon, northern California, and Central Washington.