Idaho Smoke Map

Idaho Smoke Map Legend

**(Preliminary Data Warning: Data found on the map shown below is preliminary and is subject to change. Data is in local standard time format - no adjustment for daylight savings time.)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Light smoke and haze all over - several counties with Air Quality Advisory in effect

Today’s air quality is forecast to be in the Moderate to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range for most of the state. The Treasure Valley and Clearwater Basin could see brief periods of Unhealthy.

Smoke from California, western Montana, Central Washington, Oregon, and local fires are impacting Idaho. Patchy smoke and haze are seen across South Idaho, East Idaho and the Central Mountains, while light smoke and haze are seen in North Idaho. The westerly afternoon winds and potential thunderstorms will help disperse near surface smoke and haze. The wind will continue to nudge the smoke and haze eastward and into Montana, Wyoming, and Utah while light smoke and haze will linger across South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains with areas of smoke near local fires tomorrow afternoon. The pattern of smoke becoming trapped under inversions during the evenings and raising the AQI before limited clearing the next mornings will continue.

Check the Idaho Open Burn Map to see if your location has an Air Quality Advisory in effect. 

HRRR-NCEP Near Surface Smoke initialized at 6am MDT July 29, 2024 shows patchy smoke and haze over South Idaho, East Idaho, and the Central Mountains with light smoke and haze over North Idaho.

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