Idaho Smoke Map

Idaho Smoke Map Legend

**(Preliminary Data Warning: Data found on the map shown below is preliminary and is subject to change. Data is in local standard time format - no adjustment for daylight savings time.)

Monday, July 12, 2021

Smoky week ahead

Yesterday's 24-hr air quality ranged from good conditions in the north, moderate to unhealthy in central Idaho and moderate in southern Idaho. Air quality forecasts for today range from the Good category to the Moderate category.

Southern Idaho will see smoke coming from California and Oregon while northern Idaho will be impacted by smoke from British Columbia beginning tonight and tomorrow. In addition, there will be locally high impacts from fires within Idaho. Areas downwind of the Dixie fire and Snake River Complex (near Lewiston), especially in the drainages of the Salmon and Clearwater, should expect to see impacts overnight and in the early morning hours tomorrow. The Weiser and Payette drainages will be impacted overnight and the lower and upper Treasure Valleys will be impacted early tomorrow morning. 

There may be brief periods of clearing over southern Idaho but it will be temporary.

7/21/2021 HRRR-NCEP Vertically Integrated Smoke: High resolution smoke model shows consistent, wide spread smoke throughout the atmosphere across all of Idaho (south of Benewah and Shoshone Counties).


  1. Any chance of a break in smoke for next week? 18th through 25th?

  2. Great question. Short answer: not really. There are three big factors: what will the weather do, what will the fires currently burning do, and will there be new fires? The weather pattern doesn't look like its going to significantly change and the fires already burning are still growing. Which means we will likely keep seeing smoke. On top of that, as long as there are fires burning to the west of us, we will probably have smoke impacts.
